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Radiation and Cancer

Avoid exposure to radioactive sources to protect your health.

The scientific nature of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model used in the system of radiological protection by Andrzej Wojcik & Friedo Zölzer "attempts to discredit the LNT approach as being non-scientific lack any sound basis, and are in fact counterproductive with respect to the aims of radiological protection, because they preclude any constructive debate."

September 2, 2024

‘Help us’: Guam's nuclear radiation survivors’ plea to the United States by Elesiha Foon "My first cousins - all in 2022 - five of us at the same time diagnosed with cancer, and then four of them passing."

September 3, 2024

America’s nuclear ‘downwinders’ deserve justice by Aspen Coriz-Romero and Anila Lopez Marks "Countless Americans were poisoned by the nuclear arms race — and their federal compensation just expired. That’s an outrage."

September 3, 2024

People Harmed by Radiation Exposure Can Forget About Any Federal Compensation by Katherine Hapgood "Speaker Mike Johnson killed a proposal to provide benefits to victims of America’s nuclear program."

August 21, 2024

The Link Between Radiation Exposure and Thyroid Cancer by American Oncologoy Institute "Radiation is an invisible force that we encounter in various aspects of our daily lives. While it's integral to modern technology and medicine, concerns about its health impacts, particularly regarding thyroid cancer, remain significant."

September 2, 2024

Leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma mortality after low-level exposure to ionising radiation in nuclear workers (INWORKS): updated findings from an international cohort study

"Here, we report on associations between radiation dose and mortality due to haematological malignancies." Authors Klervi Leuraud PhD a, Dominique Laurier PhD a, Michael Gillies MSc b, Richard Haylock PhD b, Kaitlin Kelly-Reif PhD c, Stephen Bertke PhD c, Robert D Daniels PhD c, Isabelle Thierry-Chef PhD d, Monika Moissonnier BSc e, Ausrele Kesminiene MD e, Mary K Schubauer-Berigan PhD e, Prof David B Richardson PhD.

August 30, 2024

Research and analysis: NRRW data: publications by study team "Results from the analysis of National Registry for Radiation Workers (NRRW) data were first released as National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), and later Health Protection Agency (HPA) published reports accompanied by summary papers in the peer-reviewed scientific press." Source: UK Health Security Agency.

August 22, 2024

Is Nuclear Power Bad for the Environment? "According to the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, “For every pound of “enriched” uranium that goes into a nuclear reactor, there are, on average, over 5,000 pounds of radioactive waste…produced in the mining and processing of uranium.” And every pound of spent fuel that comes out of the reactor becomes millions of times more radioactive by the time it is taken out." Author: Friends of the Earth.

August 19, 2024

Thyroid cancer incidence in cohorts exposed in childhood to 131I released during the Windscale nuclear reactor accident at Sellafield, England, in 1957 "This study adds to the evidence on the long-term risk of thyroid cancer following childhood exposure to low and moderate levels of 131I, such as occurred following the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011." Authors: Richard J. Q. McNally, Richard Wakeford Kathryn J. Bunch, Louise Hayes, Sally Vernon, Polly-Anne Jeffrey,, Lizz Paley & Alex Elliott.

August 16, 2024

Cancer risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation

"We review the difficulties involved in quantifying the risks of low-dose radiation and address two specific questions." Authors: David J. Brenner, Richard Doll, Dudley T. Goodhead, +11, and Marco Zaider.

November 10, 2003

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